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December Notes: Working Student Association

To all my fellow working students, first semester is done, a year 2015 is about to end and another year is about to start. I know that working and studying for the whole year is very tiresome, thank God December break comes, I know some of you are excited. To the few, they called it vacation time, a time to visit and spend time with their family and loved ones. To some, they called it Voice of Youth time; a time to spread the gospel of salvation to other people. To many, they called it opportunity. A time to work to have more hours and credits in their accounts, for their family is in Visayas or Mindanao and to spend time with them is expensive and not affordable. Whatever your plans this December break, in Proverbs 16:3 says: “Commit your work to the LORD, and your plans will be established.” (ESV)

As a President of the Working Student Association, it is an honor to serve you my fellow working students. With this in mind, please allow me to express my sincere gratitude:

First, to all the members whether you are first year or senior who are always there to support and participate in all our activities for the whole first semester. To review the events, last August 30 we have Acquaintance Night, September 16 we have Separate Midweek, October 16-18 we have WSA Day Celebration with the theme "Magnifying God’s Goodness", November 27 we have a Vesper program at Philippine International Church and just recently, December 13 we have our Thanksgiving Program at Elementary Gym.

Second, to my fellow WSA Officers who are always there in our meeting and working hard to do their task in accomplishing all of these programs. Truly, working with you is a lot of fun, sometimes headaches, but I’m thankful that God put you in that certain office to help me grow and become part of my sanctification.

Third, to all WSA Advisers, despite of your busy schedule you still find time to attend in our meetings and programs. Thank you so much for guiding and helping us in planning all of these events. The Lord will continually bless you as we work together and in serving the Association.

Fourth, to all Work Supervisors, who are really working hard to help the work force of the University. Thank you for being their mentor by helping and molding them, thank you for your patience and understanding when they did not meet your expectations. Thank you for the support to the association for allowing your student workers to attend in all our activities.

Fifth, to the AUP Administration. Thank you so much to all of you, who work hard in planning and keeping the work scholar program, that helps and cater hundreds and thousands of youth who choose to attain Adventist Christian Education despite of their financial in capabilities. Thank you so much for allowing and approving all our events and activities inside and outside the campus.

Sixth, to the Mission of Hope and other Sponsors who spend their time, money, and efforts to help the Working Students in meeting their daily needs. Some can give, few can participate, but all can pray, in whatever means that you become a help to us, thank you so much.

Above all, praise and thanksgiving to our almighty God who controls everything, and to Jesus Christ for in Him, and by Him we live, and move and have our beings. (Act 17:28).

To the working students who graduated this December," Congratulations!, You made it! Thank you for being a model and a good example to us, as undergraduates.

Few Reminders: 1. Make sure before taking your vacation or VOY you have no more balance in your account. 2. Secure to process your work in the coming second semester (January to May 2016). 3. To all MOH Recipients and new applicants please have time to work at MOH Farm this December break 16 hours per month is still the requirements for you to be granted this second semester. Hope to see you, serve you, and work with you this coming 2nd semester 2016. Have a happy and blessed holiday to everyone…

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