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Thank you AUP-WSA Family!

Being the President of the WSA (Working Student Association) for one year and one month is a great privilege. Serving more than 600 members is very challenging yet a meaningful one.

Thank you WSA Officers who are really working hard by doing your task to all of our events. The officers who laughed with me, who worked with me, sacrificed with me, and sometimes cried with me, I'm really happy working with you servants of God. :)

To the Religious Committee who is always available in helping all the religious programs that works well. Thank you for your ministry.

To the Social Committee who makes and render programs that keep WSA members alive socially. Thank you, for your unending energy that makes WSA family happy.

To the Research Committee who works hard in assisting all the records of scholarship applicants and grants. Thank you for rendering your talents, and efforts.May God bless your good hearts.

To the WSA Advisers: who have prayed for us and help us in suggesting and supporting our programs that gives us smile as we render service to our fellow working students and by these, we really feel that AUP is the school that trains us for service in this world and in the world to come.

To the WSA Members: who are always there to support and participate in all our activities, members who understands us if something goes wrong, members who always pray for their leaders. Indeed, without you, there wouldn't be a success. Thank you very much.

To the WSA Graduates: Congratulations! To God be the glory! To the 84 of you, you give us inspirations. To be on your shoes soon, if you made it, we can say that, we can made it too... Thank you for being a good role model to all of us who are still in our journey as a student in this institution.

To Constitutional Committee: Thank you to all of your efforts, sleepless nights in doing the ratification process of our constitution. Yes! It's not yet done, but at least you have started it, that will make the next term quite easy to accomplished it. By this, our Association will continue to be guided and grow.

To the Nominating Committee; Thank you for all of your efforts in doing the nominating process and come up with the WSA Election a success.

To the New Set of Officers: Keep in mind that we are here to support you, for the betterment of our beloved AUP-Work Scholar Association May God is the center of your service and ministry. We are praying for the success and unity as we serve God faithfully and may you'll be committed of your tasks, by doing your part as WSA officers.

To the AUP Administration: Thank you so much to all of you, who works hard in planning and keeping the work scholar program, that helps and cater hundreds and thousands of youth who choose to attain Adventist Christian Education, despite of their financial incapabilities. AUP really is a great blessing to all of us. Also, thank you so much for allowing and approving all of our events and activities that helps the WSA family grow, improve, and balance our four (4) aspects in life.

To the Mission of Hope and other sponsors: Thank you so much for everything, who spend their time, money, and efforts to help the Working Students in meeting their daily needs. Some can give, few can participate, but all can pray, in whatever means that you have, it's a great help to us, thank you so much. Lastly, and above all, praise and thanksgiving to our Almighty God who controls everything, and to Jesus Christ for in Him, and by Him we live, and move and have our beings. (Act 17:28).

Mabuhay ang AUP-WSA Family. :) Feeling Happy and blessed.

Thank you also to the person who edit this notes Precious Lynz Q.

‪#‎RollyNotes‬ ‪#‎AUPWSA2016‬

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